Wednesday 26 May 2010

26 May- Essay finished :)

Today I finished my LAN gaming essay. This is a greate relif to me. I am now starting to add to my design power point with more designs for the game. The designs will be t-shirts, a facebook game and a trailer.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

25th May- LAN Party Essay

Today I carried on with my LAN party essay and got to 650/1000 words. I have been going over it the past 2 day rearanging sections and adding more details. I have also been quoting and adding the refrence information in to the bilgrography.

This has tought me to refrence all my work in the future. Although I find it some times a drag to link, name and date all of the copy and pasted work it will help me in the future. :)

Wednesday 19 May 2010

19 May- game concept design

Today I consentrated on coming up with a concep[t for a facebook game. I looked into other games opnfacebook but most of them play the same.

I want the game to be 2d and look a bit arcady. So I looked at more classic games. Like Super Mario Worlds and R type.

I am thinking of having the design a bit pixelated to create the classic arcade effect. Hopefuylly the in-game screen shots that I am creating will look good remind people of games like R type and Super Mario Worlds.

Monday 17 May 2010

17 May-Research

I have been finishing off on the game concept media by adding a cover for the game. Which I still need to edit it e.g. add a boarder for the back image and the logos on the box.

After doing that I went on to the research unit and filling out a booklet showing us how to research. This involved looking at other sources other than google and wiki. This has helkpoed me becasue now I know of other places to look foor infomation I need.

This will help me in the unit by allowing me to use info from newspapers, books and magazies. Which showes that I can propely research.