Thursday 30 September 2010

LAN Party Day

Today we setup a LAN party and played a 4 team tournament. To setup the LAN we had pre made diagrams showing how we should complete the task. This allowed us to work quickly and get down to the gaming.

While we connected all the cable my group filmed all the process so we could then edit a tutorial together. This will go with the rest of our LAN party doc's.

I would have my LAN Party Video Tutorial HERE but Blogger won't upload it.
I will try at home.

I found today an interesting and fun day. The reason for this is that I have learnt many things today mostly about the interaction of switches and routers. The fun part was gaming. Especially because my team won 4-3.

Tuesday 28 September 2010


Today I have been working on my LAN party documents. These include the instructions for connecting xbox 360 consoles together and be able to play games together. This section also will include 2 diagrams and a video tutorial of how to connect.

I have also added the time and place to my poster and it is looking a lot more professional.

The only other item I need to finish off is my essay. Which won't take to long. I believe I need 200 more words and then I will work through it and correct any mistakes.

Monday 27 September 2010


I have finished a poster for the LAN PARTY that my class will be setting up and using. This poster will be used as advertising and has all the info you need on it. e.g. Date. But I still need to add the time and location of the LAN. I will try to put it at the bottom so people can just look at the bottom section and know everything they need to know.

Here it is:

Thursday 23 September 2010

Essay + Course So Far

This week I have carryed on writing my essay about hand-held consoles in the 2000's and i have finished my power point presentaion for my grouph.

The PPT explains and shows the history of hand-held consoles and then I go into more detail about the Nintendo 3DS and the new fetures and tech in the product. Along with the PPT i have writien a brief notes of what i have to say for each slide. This will help me if I forget valubale information or if i need to be reminded of where I am at.

Monday 20 September 2010

First Week of Year 2

After the first week of the second year of Games Development. We have started unit 20 which looks at platforms and technologies. My group got given the 2000's to research and study and produce a 1000 word essay and a ppt for a presentation we will be showing.

I looked hand held consoles and how they developed from 2000-2010. I have made a time line of all the release in the 2000's. I then went and looked into the newest technologies for hand-held which turns out to be the Nintendo 3DS.

This product allowed me to talk about the new edge in technologie... 3D.

This has helped me by me now knowing the newest tech and how the industry is dealing with the sudden intrest of 3D.