Tuesday 7 December 2010

So far

So far my grouph have cropped the game trailer and started to edit the sounds we have collected. These include hurt, lift and walking sounds. There are a few lef tto edit and then we can get started on the main editing bit. which is importing the new audio files and puting them in the right place. Hopefully it will work out.

Monday 29 November 2010

Editing my audio

To edit my audio I am using Adobe SoundBooth which at first glance is very good but when I needed to reverse an same audio track I could not find the effect or any button relating to it. I then turned to the internet and at forms. But with no luck. I found out later on that Soundbooth doesn't have that feature. This disapointed me a lot seeing as it is advertised as a profeshional piece of soft ware.


As you know the game I have picked to reseach and writ my essay about is poratl. Today I have been looking at Valve (developers of the game) and what they say about it.

I have also looked at there sound team. I have found 2 employes so far that work with sound or sound equitment. A Sound Designer & a Sound Engineer. Sound designer will deal with the recording and editing of sounds. The Sound Engineer will make sure the Sound Designer has all the equitment he needs and that they are working.

Minecraft audio editing- So far

This is the list of audio i am replacing and where I got it from:

cave5 (7)- soundbible.com
fire (2)- soundbible.com
water (3)- soundbible.com
lava (3)- soundbible.com
splash (2)- soundbible.com
travel (9)- beemp3.com
trigger (4)- beemp3.com
click (1)- soundbible.com
door_close (1)- sound-effect.com
door_open (1)- sound-effect.com
explode (1)- sound-effect.com
fuse (2)- sound-effect.com
hurt (1)- recorded (brother)
cloth1 (1)
grass1 (1)
gravel1 (1)
sand1 (1)
snow1 (1)
stone1 (1)
wood1 (1)

Music - 8bit

hal1 Anamanaguchi - Another Winter
hal2 x-ray - Zizibum
hal3 Tsunami334 - Ghoastbusters 8 bit theme
hal4 Kris G - 8bit portal still alive

I am also getting some custome recordings to put in from class mates and people I know.

Thursday 25 November 2010

I have started unit 73: Sound in-game

For this unit I have to research a game which for me is Portal by Valve and write a 1500 words essay about sound in-game. This essay will have my research on the gamre and how they created the sounds for it. I will also use unit terminolgy and have my own look into how the audio effects thge game and player involvment.

I want to also go off the unit brief and swap the Minecraft Sounds for my own custome sounds. This will be an extra project for me to do. I havge already created the read me file and the folder plan. All I need to do now is record all the sounds ethier from members of the class or through foley and then edit them in Adobe Soundbooth. Then I will convert them to .ogg files and import them into the game.

I am excited about creating this custome sound folder and look forward to handing it in.

Monday 8 November 2010

Completed 3 and nearly 4

I need to work on the 4 adding a light sourse and working on the text.
I belive I am on track which is great. Only 2 weeks to go.

Thursday 4 November 2010

After posting my last post I saw that I didn't have any lighting effects so i decided to add the moon in to show the time of day it is and to add anmosphere.