Thursday 25 November 2010

I have started unit 73: Sound in-game

For this unit I have to research a game which for me is Portal by Valve and write a 1500 words essay about sound in-game. This essay will have my research on the gamre and how they created the sounds for it. I will also use unit terminolgy and have my own look into how the audio effects thge game and player involvment.

I want to also go off the unit brief and swap the Minecraft Sounds for my own custome sounds. This will be an extra project for me to do. I havge already created the read me file and the folder plan. All I need to do now is record all the sounds ethier from members of the class or through foley and then edit them in Adobe Soundbooth. Then I will convert them to .ogg files and import them into the game.

I am excited about creating this custome sound folder and look forward to handing it in.

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