Wednesday 20 January 2010



It will be about airport security and how it is slowly increasing because of terrorist threats. It will be set in the year 2017, at this time the war is still going to. The main focus in this animation is a man going though all the many security features. An example of the security is full-body x-ray. Full body scan, item x-ray machines, dogs, strip search, luggage search and face recognition. Then he will final get on a plane and fly for 30mins before getting off and then there will be a sign saying security check this way. Meaning he will have to do it all over again just to get on to the streets.


Moving camera will follow a man’s feet and lower legs, be hide him tails a suit case. Melt legs and feet flash past the camera. A lady says “This way sir”. Camera switches to a body shot of the man facing a full body scanner, his suit case moves through some plastic netting as he walks through. After he goes through he spreads his legs and puts his arms out as a man walks up to his with a flat metal scanner. He feels the out side and then they move into a room that has on it Search room.
When he appears at the exit he is clenching his bottom will waddling forward. His collects his suit case from the side of the wall.
Then the camera will switch to him in a queue near the front. When it becomes his turn the camera switches to a side view of them. Man signals him to take off his shoes and puts them through a small scanner. He then moves on.
The camera is facing his side. He moves put to a high desk with a neatly dressed lady who says “Passport please and luggage in the bay “. He hands over his passport and places his bag into a small container which zooms away as he watches it. The camera changes to his view as the lady says “Look straight at the camera”. He turns just to see her smile and then the camera flash blinds him. The camera then changes to a side view of him rubbing his eyes. Lady then says “There you go, have a good trip Mr Miyazaki”. In her hand are his passport and his ticket, which he takes while still rubbing one of his eyes. Then he moves out of the cameras view.
The next scene is him in a queue entering Gate 5. The camera is facing his back. There is a window on the wall with trees in the distance.
Then the people disappear and the window changes top show building. Around the corner in side the gate the man comes into view walking directly at the camera. More people appear be hide him. The camera then changes to face the opposite. There is now a sign saying welcome to Tokyo and be-hide it there’s another sign saying “arrival’s this way to security search”. The man stops at the side of the screen looking at the sign. We can only see his back. You hear a sigh.


The style is going to be anime because then I can make the backgrounds mostly be blank and it will be black and White. I want to do it this way because I have been looking at a lot of anime and I really like the style especially the amazing stories.


In most of the scenes there will be a noisy room sound with people talking and phones going off. There will also be some speech.
I want to use Adobe Flash to create my animation because know how to use it.


The audience I will be focusing on is 12+ because of the animation is linked into the new at this point in time so it could be confusing for younger people. All the commutation will be mostly visual. I want to make it this way because most of the animations I like are the ones that tell the story with there3 body’s and movement.

This idea came about when I was watching the news about the atempted terrorism attack. After this atempted was made the US derclarerd they wanted more security in all airports. This is when I though about what would happen if airport security kept on getting more and more paranoid.

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