Wednesday 10 February 2010

Client Proposal

Airport Madness
Made by Felix slinger-Thompson

This animation is about airport security in the future when the nation has become so feared about terrorists getting though that it makes all passenger go through a horrible ordeal just to get on to the plane.

This proposal is about the ever growing airport security and an insight at what it could amount to in the future.

The idea came while watching the news after the terrorist threat to the US from the UK. After this incidence the US demanded more security in airports all around the world. Now the all UK airports are fitting more high-tech scanners. There is now an argument going on about the privacy that people have from the scanners.

Since this incident there have been a lot more news about airport security and the treat to the UK. I have been following these to get a better insight into the issue.
I have been looking at the internet and the TV for research. I have also looked at manga and anime. This is because I like the style they use in the Studio Ghibli films. I looked at the manga because of it normal being black and white line drawings which are what I want my animation to look like.

I have also looked at the best way to make it. To make it look realistic I want to rotor scope footage. This also means that when I shoot the footage I can get the costume that I want the character to wear. Although this way will take along time it will look better than motion tweaking or drawing from my imagination.

My animation will be black & white line drawing rotor scoped from video that I will film.

Target audience
The target audience for airport madness is 15+ because to get my animation you need to have some knowledge of the situation which is being reported by the news.
Unique selling points
you could sell this to any news company so they could upload it to there website or show it on the news linking in with the terrorism story.


General idea
The animation follows a man who is going on a plane but before he can get on he has to go through the airport security, which has become incessantly more paranoid about a terrorist attack. This man goes through the full body scanner, strip search, shoe scan, bag scan, passport control with a facial picture. Then he gets on the plane which its destination is the next city.
When he gets off he sees a sign saying arrives this way to Full Security Search.
He sighs.

In-depth idea
Moving camera will follow a man’s feet and lower legs, be hide him tails a suit case. Melt legs and feet flash past the camera. A lady says “This way sir”. Camera switches to a body shot of the man facing a full body scanner, his suit case moves through some plastic netting as he walks through. After he goes through he spreads his legs and puts his arms out as a man walks up to his with a flat metal scanner. He feels the out side and then they move into a room that has on it
Search room.

When he appears at the exit he is clenching his bottom will waddling forward. His collects his suit case from the side of the wall.

Then the camera will switch to him in a queue near the front. When it becomes his turn the camera switches to a side view of them. Man signals him to take off his shoes and puts them through a small scanner. He then moves on.

The camera is facing his side. He moves put to a high desk with a neatly dressed lady who says “Passport please and luggage in the bay “. He hands over his passport and places his bag into a small container which zooms away as he watches it. The camera changes to his view as the lady says “Look straight at the camera”. He turns just to see her smile and then the camera flash blinds him. The camera then changes to a side view of him rubbing his eyes. Lady then says “There you go, have a good trip Mr Miyazaki”. In her hand are his passport and his ticket, which he takes while still rubbing one of his eyes. Then he moves out of the cameras view.

The next scene is him in a queue entering Gate 5. The camera is facing his back. There is a window on the wall with trees in the distance.

Then the people disappear and the window changes top show building. Around the corner in side the gate the man comes into view walking directly at the camera. More people appear be hide him. The camera then changes to face the opposite. There is now a sign saying welcome to Tokyo and be-hide it there’s another sign saying “arrival’s this way to security search”. The man stops at the side of the screen looking at the sign. We can only see his back. You hear a sigh.

Visual style
My animation will be black & white line drawings. It will be created from my own video and then rotor scoped in Flash 8. The back grounds will be stationary apart from the first one which is when the main character is walking.

Audio style
Most of the animation has no speech so there will be a lot ambience noise going on. I want the ambience to be people talking, clattering of objects, one or two phones going off. Between scenes the ambience will fade in and out.

BBC News Website
Google Images
Studio Ghibli
Deathnote (book)

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