Sunday 20 December 2009


Its amazing what Japanese animation companies can create. The beautiful colors intwined with the emotional roller-coster rides.

I have watched a lot of the more famous anime films and series like:


The basic plot is that the main character Ichigo Kurosaki who is just a normal teenager suddenly finds that he has the power to see things that normal people wouldn't. In this case it is the Soul Reapers. Soul Reapers hunt down evil souls and send them back to the underworld (or what ever you want to call it) before they can harm anyone, some Soul Reapers are evil as well.

So basically Ichigo ends up learning to control his power and then fights the evil souls and the Soul Reapers. This takes him on an adventure of 29 manga books, 49 DVD compilations, 11 CD sound tracks, 3 films ( 4 coming out 2010).

Studio Ghibli

If you know of Studio Ghibli you will understand that the studio have made over 20 films but I find all of them incredible.

Here is an image of some of the films Studio Ghibli have created. All of these films have come from one man Hayao Miyazaki who was the founder of the studio itself. His son has now started to take over the business with his first movie getting released Ponyo on the cliff by the sea. Hayao is still creating his master pieces with the creation of his Disney film about a talking fish.

The Girl who leapt through time

This is the earliest anime movie I have seen. This movie has inspired me to create something like this. Here is a picture of the movie poster.

The story be hide this movie is that the girl acquires the ability to travel trough time but she releases too late that the power only lasts 100 uses. This means she has to fix all the situations that the time jumping has put on other people and she also has to save her friends life all with a small amount of jumps.

All these animations are brilliant because of there amazing story's and I feel the style they are drawn. From watching all these and looking at other Japanese art work I would love to create a anime style animation. This will evolve around the Japanese culture so I will use the japanese letters and technology. I believe doing this in this way will make me do more detailed work and spend more time on it because I am using something I like to basic it on.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

3D Games!

So as you all know by now that 3D has come back.....yes thats right from the dead. 3D films have been flying out from Hollywood (its a fingure of speech) for about 5 mouths now and I think they have caught on. Don't you?

Although 3D technology right now gives you migranes imagen what it could do in the future. LIke 3D games. Wait. It already is in the gaming industry.

It first came to my attention when I and a fellow student attended Euro Gamer and there we fond Avater the new movie and game. This was being played on a huge plasma TV. Well I think plasma unless you need a special TV to play 3D movies/games. Anyway, there I was looking at a 3D game getting played by non-other than the ledendary random guy I didn't know. Cheap joke I know but never the less I was watching a real 3D game which in fact looks superb. Not even a sight of a migrane.

After seeing 3D gaming in action I can't wait until it comes out if ever but I reckon there are some big problems with it. Like you will have to buy a really, really expensive TV and 3D glasses every 2 days. After losing them. After all this talk I find my self still looking forward to it getting released.

I want to know what you think about this dilemmna?

Unit 8 2D animation and Unit 2 Pre Production

This is a blog which will run alone my animation course and pre production. This will be were I can post my ideas, inspration and genral news about the gaming industry. I hope this will help any of you to see how City College Brighton runs there Game Develpoment course.


This video gives me inspration because it shows me how basic the animation can be but it still gives you the experience of emotion. Also this animation I think is very bold because they haven't used any voices to show emotion or what was going on. Instead they use music and movements. This way of animation is quite like the stlye I want to produce. Although my animation will be 2D.

Animation idea and test

I have only been doing this 2D animation unit for about 2 days. Already I have had a play around in flash which left me with two realy short animations and one 5 second one. My idea is to add a few seconds every week until the end of this unit. Hopefully I will have a 2 min movie by the end.

The idea behide this animation is the idea of everything having Spirites. e.g. houses, chirs and trees. I think this concept came from the movie Spirited Away by Studio Ghibli.

The story to this is that the girl gopes into the spirite world by mistake and then goes on an adventchere to dree her perants. Through out the wmovie she meets all kind of spirites like the river god, frog god and many more.

Spirited Away-Trailer

Here is the first section of my animation after 2 days of work. Enjoy.....