Wednesday 16 December 2009

3D Games!

So as you all know by now that 3D has come back.....yes thats right from the dead. 3D films have been flying out from Hollywood (its a fingure of speech) for about 5 mouths now and I think they have caught on. Don't you?

Although 3D technology right now gives you migranes imagen what it could do in the future. LIke 3D games. Wait. It already is in the gaming industry.

It first came to my attention when I and a fellow student attended Euro Gamer and there we fond Avater the new movie and game. This was being played on a huge plasma TV. Well I think plasma unless you need a special TV to play 3D movies/games. Anyway, there I was looking at a 3D game getting played by non-other than the ledendary random guy I didn't know. Cheap joke I know but never the less I was watching a real 3D game which in fact looks superb. Not even a sight of a migrane.

After seeing 3D gaming in action I can't wait until it comes out if ever but I reckon there are some big problems with it. Like you will have to buy a really, really expensive TV and 3D glasses every 2 days. After losing them. After all this talk I find my self still looking forward to it getting released.

I want to know what you think about this dilemmna?

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